WEB’s mission is to further the development and education of benefits professionals. WEB members represent more than 25 professions and 30 areas of expertise within the pension and benefits industry, including administrators, consultants, attorneys, accountants, investment managers, communications experts, and benefits managers.
If you are interested in developing a WEB Chapter in your area, the following is a general set of guidelines that you can use to get the conversation started.
A. Develop a Steering Committee
- Recruit six to ten professionals with a variety of employee benefits experience (for example: lawyers, insurers, and plan sponsors in retirement, welfare, and executive compensation areas)
- WEB National can provide assistance in identifying potential candidates from other chapters’ contacts
- Schedule an introductory meeting with potential Steering Committee (SC) members to meet, discuss interest, feasibility, competition, direction, and next steps
- To Do: Each potential SC member should consider time commitment (estimated 25-30 hours first year, including commitment to attend SC meetings and WEB programs)
- To Do: Each potential SC member should identify three to four initial contacts to attend programs and possibly join the SC
- Schedule an organizational meeting to consider necessary chapter roles (for example: President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Chair, and Programs Chair)
- To Do: SC member should commit to securing a location (including pricing) for WEB programs
- To Do: Membership Chair should work with National to learn about membership (including types, fees, benefits of membership, and how to join)
- To Do: Treasurer should open checking account with a local bank (National can provide chapter start-up loan)
B. Develop a Season of Programming
- Schedule a programming meeting to establish regular schedule for SC meetings (ongoing meetings should occur monthly at first) and WEB programs (plan to hold six programs in a year initially), and cost of programs (National can assist in establishing pricing for members and non-members)
- To Do: Program Chair should work with SC to develop a list of topics and potential speakers (National can provide ideas for both)
- To Do: SC members should be assigned to each program to secure speakers, establish program format, and so forth
- To Do: Membership Chair should work with SC members and National to compile a list of contacts to invite to first program
- To Do: Treasurer should work with National to learn recordkeeping and other duties
- To Do: President should work with National to prepare an announcement of new WEB chapter, including information about programs for the season
- To Do: SC members should consider how (and to whom) to get the word out about WEB
- Schedule first program (provide at least one month’s notice)
- To Do: SC member should coordinate speaker needs (for example: microphone and projector)
- To Do: SC member should work with National on developing a program notice
- To Do: SC member should prepare membership and other materials to provide attendees
- To Do: SC members should reach out personally to contacts to request their attendance
- Hold first program
- All SC members should attend
- Introduce WEB and SC members
Thank you for your interest in WEB. Please contact WEB’s Executive Director, Marc Chappell, at 888-795-6862 if you have interest in starting a WEB Chapter in your area.